primary care in Baytown

Protect Your Heart: Prevention Tips for Common Heart Diseases

During February, American Heart Month is observed to heighten awareness of the primary source of mortality in the United States: heart disease. In 2020, about 697,000 individuals died from heart disease, and by the year 2060, one study is predicting a substantial rise in cardiovascular risk factors and disease in the United States. 

In other words, the problem is likely to get worse before it gets better. This is why it is important to understand the risk factors associated with heart disease and the steps you can take to reduce your chances of developing it.

Understanding the Risks of Heart Disease

Heart disease is a very serious health condition that can have life-threatening consequences if it is not taken seriously. The most common risk factors for heart disease include:

  • High cholesterol – High cholesterol can develop fatty deposits in your blood vessels and can block the artery.
  • High blood pressure – High blood pressure can cause the arteries to become thick, making it harder for the blood to flow, which can lead to blood clot and heart attack.
  • Diabetes – Diabetes can cause harm to the heart and blood vessels, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing heart disease.
  • Smoking – Smoking increases the risk of heart disease due to the chemicals it contains that can damage the heart and blood vessels.
  • Obesity – People who are overweight are more susceptible to developing heart issues due to the increased pressure on the heart.

Other significant contributors to developing heart diseases include lifestyle, eating unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, age, and genetics. It is never too late to make changes that can help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Common Heart Diseases

Heart diseases are a group of conditions that affect the heart and its ability to function. Common types of heart conditions include:

  • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

CAD is a narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. It is the most common form of heart disease and can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or sudden death.

  • Heart Arrhythmias

It is a condition in which the heart beats too fast, too slow, or irregularly. It can cause chest pain, dizziness, and fainting, and can lead to stroke or sudden death.

  • Heart Attack

It is a condition in which a blockage in the arteries of the heart prevents the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, which can lead to a heart attack. The most common symptom of a heart attack is chest pain, which can feel like tightness, squeezing, or a burning sensation.

  • Angina

It is a heart condition caused by a decrease in oxygen supply to the heart muscle. Symptoms of angina include chest pain or discomfort that often feels like a squeezing or pressure in the chest but can also be felt in the shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back.

  • Stroke

It is a type of heart disease that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. It can lead to paralysis, speech problems, memory loss and even death.

  • Heart Valve Disease

It is a condition in which one or more of the heart’s four valves do not work properly. This can cause blood to flow backward or become trapped in the heart, leading to symptoms such as breathlessness, chest pain, and fatigue.

How to Prevent Heart Disease

If you are at risk for heart disease, there are steps you can take to protect yourself. By following these easy recommendations, you can safeguard your heart health and lower your chances of contracting heart disease.

  • Avoid fatty food and cut down your sodium intake.
  • Choose a healthy eating plan and add more fruits, vegetables, and lean protein to your diet.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Start an active lifestyle. Walking or jogging can help you develop a healthy body. 
  • Manage your stress. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.  
  • Maintain a healthy weight. 
  • Get a better night’s sleep.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption.
  • Visit your doctor for a regular heart checkup and health screening.

Additionally, you should talk to your doctor about any family history of heart disease and any symptoms you may be experiencing. 

primary care in Baytown

Are you looking for primary care in Baytown?

If you or a loved one have any of the symptoms of heart disease, you should  schedule an appointment with a primary care doctor. Urgentcare MDs is a trusted urgent care facility with licensed and highly skilled physicians who specializes in treating patients with heart diseases, back pain, injuries, respiratory illnesses, trauma, infections, and many others.

For consultations and medications, you can visit our offices: 

No matter what your healthcare requirements are, we are here to offer you the highest quality care. Contact us today to set an appointment with a heart specialist. 


The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health. 

no specific treatment for monkeypox

Monkeypox — All you need to know

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency. It comes following an increase in worldwide occurrences. According to the WHO, more than 16,000 cases have now been recorded in 75 countries.

What is monkeypox, and where does it come from?

Monkeypox is a rare viral disease that occurs mainly in central and western Africa. 

The Monkeypox virus is similar to, but not the same as, the smallpox virus. Monkeypox was first identified in 1958 when it caused an illness outbreak in laboratory monkeys. 

In humans, the symptoms of Monkeypox are similar to those of smallpox, although they are usually milder. There is no specific treatment for monkeypox, and there is no vaccine available. 

In this blog post, we will take a look at what you need to know about Monkeypox, including its symptoms, how it is spread, and prevention tips. So read on for all you need to know about this little-known but potentially deadly virus.

What are the symptoms of Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a viral disease that is characterized by a rash and fever

The incubation period (the time from exposure to illness) for Monkeypox is usually between 5 and 21 days but can be as short as two days or as long as 42 days. 

The infection typically starts with a fever, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. This is followed by the development of a rash that begins on the face and spreads to other body parts. The rash consists of smallpox-like bumps that eventually turn into pus-filled blisters. 

The illness usually lasts 2-4 weeks, after which most people recover fully. However, in some cases, monkeypox can be fatal.

How is Monkeypox spread?

Monkeypox is spread through contact with an infected animal’s skin or bodily fluids, usually a monkey, rat, or squirrel. The virus can also be spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. In the USA, the first case of monkeypox was reported in September 2018. 

Monkeypox can also be spread through contact with contaminated bedding or clothing. It is not yet clear how the virus spreads from animals to humans, but it is thought that direct contact with an infected animal, or contact with the animal’s bedding or clothing, is the most likely route of transmission.

Once a person is infected with monkeypox, the virus can spread from person to person through close contacts, such as touching or hugging, or through contact with infected body fluids, such as blood, saliva, or mucus.

Transmission of infection from person to person most often occurs when contact with respiratory emissions, skin problems, or unclean objects is involved. 

Infection via respiratory particles generally necessitates prolonged face-to-face contact, putting health workers, family members, and other close contacts of active cases at increased risk.

However, the longest known chain of transmission in a community now extends from 6 to 9 person-to-person infections. The decrease in smallpox vaccination may be affecting everyone’s immunity. 

Maternal-fetal transmission through the placenta (which can cause congenital Monkeypox) or during close contact at and after delivery may also result in transmission. 

There is still much to learn about Monkeypox, although physical contact is a well-known risk factor for its spread.

How to prevent yourself from getting infected with Monkeypox?

Avoiding contact with infected animals or people is the best way to prevent monkeypox. 

If you must handle an infected animal, wear gloves, a mask, and protective clothing. If you live in an area where Monkeypox is found, avoid contact with wild animals and report any sick animals to your local health authorities.

Is there a vaccine for Monkeypox?

There is no specific vaccine available to protect against Monkeypox. However, the smallpox vaccine is effective in protecting against Monkeypox. 

The smallpox vaccine is no longer routinely given because smallpox has been eradicated. However, it is still available from the CDC in case of a bioterrorism attack.

What are the treatment options for Monkeypox?

There is no specific treatment for monkeypox, according to the CDC. However, early diagnosis and appropriate care can help lessen the illness’s severity and improve the chances of recovery. 

Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and supporting the patient through the course of the disease.

If you think you may have come into contact with monkeypox, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference in the outcome of the illness.

no specific treatment for monkeypox

UrgentCare MDs for all your medical needs

At UrgentCare MDs, we are always here to help. We treat a variety of emergencies, illnesses, and injuries. We are often the first point of contact when you have a health concern—including Monkeypox. 

We pride ourselves in accurately diagnosing and treating our patients. For medical consultations, you can visit:

Our experienced staff is ready to treat any acute illness or medical need that is not life-threatening.

Contact us today for any inquiries and to set an appointment. No matter your health needs,  we are here to provide the best care for our patients.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Urgent care in Baytown

6 Signs you may be dehydrated

No one wants to be dehydrated. It’s uncomfortable and can make you feel awful. But how do you know if you’re dehydrated? Here are six signs that you may be dehydrated and what you can do about it. Keep reading for more information on how to keep yourself healthy and hydrated!

What is dehydration, and how does it occur?

It’s essential to stay hydrated during the summer months, especially when the weather is hot. Dehydration can cause many problems, from simple headaches to more severe conditions like heat stroke. 

To avoid dehydration, it’s essential to drink plenty of fluids – preferably water. And if you’re feeling thirsty, it’s already too late – so make sure to drink up before you get to that point! Water is calorie-free, so it’s the perfect beverage to keep you hydrated all summer.

How does water help your body?

Water is essential to the human body. Every system in your body depends on water to work correctly. For example, water:

  • Aids digestion and gets rid of waste
  • Works your joints. Water lubricates them
  • Makes saliva (which you need to eat)
  • Balances your body’s chemicals. Your brain needs it to create hormones and neurotransmitters
  • Delivers oxygen all over your body
  • Cushions your bones
  • Regulates your body temperature
  • Acts as a shock absorber for your brain, spinal cord, and fetus if you’re pregnant 

In other words, without water, our bodies would not be able to function correctly. That’s why it’s so important to drink plenty of water daily!

Significant signs that you are dehydrated

1. You’re feeling tired and sluggish

If you’re feeling tired and sluggish, it may be a sign that you’re dehydrated. When you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t have enough fluids to function correctly, making you feel tired and weak. In your body, water helps to transport nutrients and oxygen to your cells, so when you’re dehydrated, your cells aren’t getting the nourishment they need. Therefore body cells underperform, and you might experience feelings of fatigue.

2. You have a headache

A headache is another common sign of dehydration. If you’re dehydrated, your blood vessels constrict, leading to a headache. Blood vessel constriction is your body’s way of conserving water, but it can also lead to tension and pain in your head. Because blood vessels are the primary source of water for your brain, dehydration can also cause feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness.

3. You are constipated

You may be dehydrated if you have a blockage. When you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t have enough fluids to soften your stool, leading to constipation.

4. You are dizzy or lightheaded

It could be a symptom of dehydration if you’re dizzy or lightheaded. When you’re dehydrated, your blood pressure drops, and your body doesn’t have enough fluids to function correctly, making you feel dizzy or lightheaded.

5. Your mouth is dry

If your mouth is dry and you’re not drinking enough water, it could indicate dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t have enough fluids to produce saliva, which can lead to a dry mouth.

6. You’ve had a fever recently

You might be dehydrated if you’ve recently had a fever. When dehydrated, your body doesn’t have enough fluids to cool itself down, which can lead to a fever.  

What can you do to avoid becoming dehydrated?

When it comes to staying healthy, hydration is vital. That’s why it’s essential to ensure you drink enough fluids – especially water – daily. 

However, you can do a few other things to avoid becoming dehydrated. For example, avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can dehydrate. 

Additionally, urinating frequently and ensuring your urine is light yellow or clear in color are good indicators of hydration levels. It’s also important to be extra mindful of hydration if you’re exercising, in a hot environment, or feeling under the weather. 

And finally, if you have diabetes or are pregnant or breastfeeding, drink plenty of fluids each day to avoid dehydration. Following these simple tips can help ensure that your body stays properly hydrated.

Who are the people at risk of becoming dehydrated?

While everyone can become dehydrated, some people are more at risk than others. People who are more at risk for dehydration include:

  • Babies and young children
  • Older adults
  • People with chronic illnesses
  • Pregnant women
  • People who are active or exercise regularly
  • People who live in hot climates
  • People who work in hot environments

If you fall into one or more of these categories, you must be extra vigilant about your fluid intake and drink plenty daily.

Dehydration can be severe.

Dehydration is a severe condition that can lead to serious health problems. If you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t have enough fluids to function correctly, which can lead to problems like:

  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections

Dehydration can also cause more severe problems, like 

  • heat stroke, 
  • seizures, and 
  • coma. 

If you think you or someone you know may be dehydrated, it’s essential to seek medical help immediately.

Where can you get more advice about dehydration?

If you’re concerned about dehydration, there are a few places you can go for more information and advice. Your doctor or healthcare provider can offer more specific recommendations based on your individual health needs. 

Additionally, plenty of online resources can provide general information about dehydration and its symptoms and treatment.

Urgent care in Baytown

Urgent Care MDs: Here for all Your Medical Needs

At Urgent Care MDs we are always here to help. We treat a variety of emergencies, illnesses, and injuries. We are often the first point of contact when you have a health concern, including dehydration. We pride ourselves in accurately diagnosing and treating our patients.

For medical consultations, you can visit:

We are also offering covid testing at all our urgent care locations. Our experienced staff is ready to treat any acute illness or medical need that is not life-threatening.

Contact us today for any inquiries and to set an appointment. No matter your health needs,  we are here to provide the best care for you: our patients! 

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

urgent care in Baytown

How to Prevent Common Summer Injuries?

Summer is the time when we can once again enjoy the activities we love outdoors. Unfortunately, it is also the season that doctors see the most patients due to injuries and accidents. Whether it be boating, motorcycles, or backyard barbecues, safety and prevention techniques are critical to staying safe. 

How to Stay Safe on the Road

The most important rule when driving is to avoid or limit alcohol consumption. As summer is a time for more gatherings with friends and family, alcohol is often offered and consumed. Always have a designated driver, so you get home safe and protect other drivers on the road. 

Motorcyclists should always wear a helmet and full protective gear. You can not prevent all injuries, but your chances of survival increase significantly when the head is protected. This is not just true for motorcyclists but bicyclists as well. Simply put, helmets save lives. 

How to Stay Safe in the Water

Unfortunately, with more trips to the pool and beaches, the risk of drownings increases in the summer. You should always wear life jackets when out on the boat or while participating in activities such as paddle boarding. 

Children must be continually supervised when around water. To prevent young children from having access to backyard pools, you should put fencing around the parameters of the pool. It’s always a good idea to have children participate in swim lessons to learn how to be strong swimmers, increasing safety in the water. 

How You Can Stay Safe From Burns?

Fireworks are a leading cause of burns. The heat and explosive properties of fireworks lead to severe burns in thousands of patients yearly. The best plan is to avoid fireworks and to be an observer. That said, if you do use fireworks, follow all instructions carefully.

Never let children around fireworks. Supervise them closely when using any fireworks, including sparklers, and they should be of an age where they can handle them safely. 

Campfires also cause burns in the summer. Make sure children are always supervised around campfires. The same rule also applies when you are grilling. Children may place their hands on a grill, not knowing it is hot, especially at a very young age. 

Of course, sunburns are extremely common in the summer. Use proper sunscreen; a higher SPF is recommended if you plan to stay in the sun longer. An SPF of 30 is recommended if you know you will be in the sun all day but must be reapplied frequently. 

Even if you are not going to be in the sun for an extended period, it is important to wear sunscreen daily. Dermatologists recommend an SPF of 15 or higher. 

How to Prevent Dehydration

Overheating and dehydration are the most common reasons patients seek medical care at our urgent care in Baytown. If you are outdoors, frequently drink water. Also, wearing light clothing can be helpful. Find shade if you have been in the sun too long. 

If you are experiencing signs of heat exhaustion, seek medical attention immediately. These signs include: 

  • Rapid pulse
  • Muscle or stomach cramps
  • Excessive sweating
  • Weakness and fatigue
  • Clammy and pale skin
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fainting
urgent care in Baytown

Need Medical Attention This Summer? Visit Our UrgentCare MDs

At UrgentCare MDs, we have urgent care at our Baytown and Crosby medical centers. 

We also offer primary care in Baytown

We are open evenings and weekends and accept walk-in patients, so if you have an injury that requires attention, we can help! 

In addition, we continue to offer COVID-19 testing at both of our locations! 

Let us partner with you in care this summer and beyond! For more information, do not hesitate to get in touch with us!

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

primary care physician baytown

Why do you need a Primary Care Physician?

Having a trusted Primary Care Physician (PCP) who you can turn to whenever an injury or ailment arises has many benefits. Benefits to you, your loved ones and the society! 

A US-based study published in January 2019 compared the quality and experience of outpatient care for adults with—and without—primary care. They found that adults with primary care were around 40% more likely to fill their prescriptions and over 23% more likely to have a routine preventive visit in the past year, compared to those without a PCP. 

Also, 11% more patients received high-value cancer screenings when they had PCPs. AND those with PCPs expressed greater satisfaction with their healthcare access and experience. 

Types of Primary Care Physicians

It can be incredibly confusing to know exactly who to contact with a specific ailment. We are all familiar with the situation where we see a doctor and quickly get referred to a different physician. Some specialists you didn’t even know existed. 

There are many types of PCPs out there who have different specializations. The specialization can depend on the age of the patient, their gender, or the condition.

Family Medicine Doctors

These doctors can care for the whole family, as is the case at PrimeCareMDs. Family doctors see children, middle-aged adults, and older adults. They know the family history and if someone gets sick, they will be your first port of call. If you have any doubts about who to contact, contact your family doctor – they will give you advice and (if necessary) refer you to an appropriate specialist.


Pediatricians specialize in children’s health—children up to the age of 18. This is a rough number, many people continue seeing their pediatrician until their early 20s. The pediatric specialty is essential, because children’s bodies are still growing, developing and changing, so any treatment option must take that into account. 

Internal Medicine Doctors

Internal Medicine Doctors are often referred to as Internists. These physicians specialize in providing care to adults. Similar to pediatricians, an internal doctor is a necessary specialty because most adults develop common age-related conditions, or suffer from similar lifestyle-related injuries/ailments.

Internal Medicine-Pediatric Doctors

These doctors are essentially ‘two doctors in one’. They are board-certified both in pediatrics and internal medicine. Often referred to as med-peds doctors, they take care of children and adults. 


OB-GYN doctors are different from the above, because instead of focusing on the whole body and being distinguished by the age of their patients, they specialize in women’s reproductive health. The name comes from their specialty in obstetrics and gynecology. This specialty means that they provide care during pregnancy and birth and care with things like birth control, menopause, and preventative screenings. 

As PCPs, these specialists will be your first port of call when a medical condition arises that isn’t an emergency. 

A perfect understanding of your health and lifestyle

Having a trusted, highly qualified PCP is key to building a good long-term relationship with your doctor. Staying with the same PCP for many years, and even having your whole family registered with that practice, means that they will know everything they need to know about your health, lifestyle, and wellbeing. They will understand your concerns and maybe even notice changes before you do! 

Harvard Health explains that those with complicated needs or chronic medical conditions benefit the most from a PCP team that can help with all aspects of their healthcare. 

Reduced costs

A study published by the NCBI states that people with PCPs save 33% on health care in comparison to people who only see specialists. Others found that every $1 increase in spending on primary care results in $13 in overall savings. 

Now that you know how much you can gain from having a Primary Care Physician, what is stopping you from reaping these benefits?

Learn more about our PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

PrimeCareMds is committed to providing high-quality medical services. Motivated by the need for more patient-friendly healthcare services we offer a wide range of medical services for diagnosing, treating, and managing several health conditions.

We are open for walk-ins, so we encourage you to visit our location:

PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

Contact us today for any inquiries and to set an appointment. We are here to help you lead a healthier life!

We are currently offering COVID-19 testing at our Urgentcare MDs locations: 

For your safety and convenience, we are also seeing patients virtually with Telehealth.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

brain fog

What is COVID Brain Fog, and How Can You Clear It?

COVID brain fog occurs when all symptoms from the illness have recovered, yet some cognitive challenges remain. The patient’s thinking and memory are still not back to normal. 

The brain fog experienced can have a range of symptoms, and severity can range from mild to severe. Sometimes it can make it hard for patients to live everyday life. 

If you require COVID testing, visit our urgent care Baytown or Urgent Care Crosby. We offer acute care and primary care to meet all of your medical needs. 

What is Brain Fog?

Many patients who have recovered from COVID experience the symptoms of brain fog. One study of over 235,000 patients estimated 33.62% of people had neurological or psychiatric symptoms six months after having COVID.

Brain fog is not necessarily one symptom; it can be a range of symptoms related to thinking and memory. Some people describe an inability to concentrate, focus or think clearly. Others struggle with attention, memory, or just feeling mentally exhausted.

Brain fog can affect one’s ability to begin and finish a task or remember what you were doing when you entered a room. 

What Causes Brain Fog in COVID Patients?

Researchers are still not clear what causes brain fog in COVID patients. Because it is still a new disease, they are still learning about long-term symptoms, including brain fog and how to help patients.

There has been a connection that brain fog is more likely if the patient is severely ill or placed on a ventilator. 

In some people, COVID can directly attack the brain and cause strokes, impairing cognitive function. Also, those who had a severe illness may experience brain damage from hypoxia and inflammation when they were on ventilators. 

Psychological Impact and Brain Fog

Psychological causes are a possibility because of extreme anxiety. This can be increased when family members or friends tell people with brain fog that “it is all in their head.” 

However, the onset of anxiety can be very real, especially when you consider job loss, isolation, and worry if brain fog will affect their future. 

More studies need to be completed to explore whether psychological issues contribute to the worsening of brain fog. People who have brain fog should be reassured that it is a temporary condition and not something that will be long-term. 

What Can You Do to Clear Brain Fog?

First, talk to your provider about your symptoms. Treatment options are similar to those used for people who have had strokes or other cognitive impairments.

The provider will likely do cognitive testing to diagnose the patient’s impairment. Sometimes a referral to a neuropsychologist or speech and language pathologist is necessary. 

Patients can practice brain exercises using computer programs and smartphone apps. 

Other recommendations to help brain fog include: 

  • Regular aerobic exercise
  • Cognitive challenging games such as puzzles and word puzzles
  • Sleep
  • Modifying their diets to include monounsaturated fats, plant proteins, whole grains, and fish
  • Avoid isolating: stay socially connected to others and active

Brain Fog? COVID Symptoms? We Can Help at our Primary Care.

At our clinic, we treat acute and chronic conditions. Our specialists address your unique needs through every stage of life. PrimeCareMDs in Baytown offers a convenient location to serve you and your family:

PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

If you require care, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today! 

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Urgent Care Doctor Baytown & Crosby

Multistate Outbreak of Non-travel Associated Burkholderia pseudomallei Infections (Melioidosis)

If you have heard about the recent multistate outbreak of Burkholderia pseudomallei infections (Melioidosis), then you are probably concerned. This article will cover what you need to know about the bacteria. 

What is Melioidosis? 

The bacteria that causes Melioidosis is Burkholderia pseudomallei. It can infect both humans and animals. Most cases occur in tropical or subtropical environments. 

In the past, the CDC reported approximately one dozen patients reported annually, and they usually have recently come back from travel from countries with a higher risk of the disease. 

What Should I Know About the Outbreaks of Melioidosis? 

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found the bacterial DNA of Melioidosis in aromatherapy room sprays in the home of a Georgia resident who died from the disease in July 2021. 

This was the fourth patient diagnosed since March 2021. The other three patients were located in Kansas, Minnesota, and Texas. 

The initial alert was issued on August 9, 2021. The cases involve both children and adults. 

All four cases closely match in that they likely share a common source of exposure. None of the patients diagnosed with the bacteria had traveled outside of the country. The strains are similar to those seen in patients in South Asia. 

All of the patients were hospitalized for an extended period and then discharged to transitional care facilities. 

What are the Symptoms of Melioidosis?  

Symptoms vary between patients and may be similar to other diseases such as tuberculosis. Possible symptoms may include: 

  • Cough or shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pneumonia
  • Abscess formation
  • Neurological impairments
  • Blood infections

Because the symptoms are nonspecific, doctors must diagnose correctly so proper treatment is not delayed. 

An additional challenge is identification methods in laboratory settings can misidentify the bacteria. 

What Exposure May Put You at Risk for Melioidosis?

There has been an identified product that is causing risk for Melioidosis. 

Better Homes and Gardens branded essential oil-infused aromatherapy room spray with gemstones “lavender and Chamomile” scent manufactured in India. 

Walmart sold the spray between February and October 21, 2021. The spray has since been removed from the shelves and other scents under the same brand name. 

Recalls are initiated for all products. The CDC is working with public health officials from all states affected to see if there may be other patients who used the product and investigate the product further. Reports may be made as more information is identified. 

Why is Melioidosis Fatal?

With its wide range of symptoms, patients can develop pneumonia, sepsis, multiple organ abscesses, or encephalomyelitis. All of these illnesses can be fatal. 

Worldwide mortality rates vary but depend on many factors but are generally between 10-50%. Individuals with underlying health conditions are more at risk, including hepatitis or HIV, prevalent in many third-world countries. 

It is generally not transmitted person to person, nor is it airborne. It has been passed on through skin breaks or the reuse of needles or other medical devices in some countries. It may be transmitted through intranasal means, such as with the outbreak using aromatherapy. 

Is Melioidosis Treatable?

Melioidosis is treatable with antibiotics. The preferred antibiotic choice is Co-trimoxazole. If the bacteria are resistant to the drug, the second choice is co-amoxiclav. 

Here are some recommendations if you think you may have been exposed to the bacteria through the use of the aromatherapy sprays: 

  • Immediately stop using the product. Do not open the bottle or dispose of it in a regular trash can. 
  • Double bag the bottle and place it in a cardboard box. Return it to the store you purchased the spray from. 
  • Wash any sheets or linens that you used the spray  on. It is OK to use regular laundry detergent but dry it on high heat. Bleach can be used but is not necessary. 
  • Thoroughly clean and counters or surfaces where you have used the spray
  • Wash hands immediately after using the spray bottle.
  • Seek medical care if you have used the product and developed signs or symptoms as discussed. You should seek medical care immediately. Inform your doctor of the exposure.

Urgent Care MDs: Here for all Your Medical Needs

At Urgent Care MDs, we treat a variety of emergencies, illnesses, and injuries. We are often the first point of contact when you have a health concern. We pride ourselves in accurately diagnosing and treating our patients. 

For medical consultations, you can visit:

We are also offering covid testing at all our urgent care locations. Our experienced staff is ready to treat any acute illness or medical need that is not life-threatening.

Contact us today for any inquiries and to set an appointment. No matter your health needs,  we are here to provide the best care for you: our patients! 

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

urgent care crosby tx

What you can do to Have a Safe Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is a notorious day for divulgence and overeating. But with Thanksgiving also comes the risk of accident, hazards, and illness that can lead to a visit to an urgent care center for treatment. 

So what can you do to help you avoid a trip to urgent care on one of the most festive holidays of the year? Our physicians have some suggestions to keep you safe and healthy this Thanksgiving. 

How Can I Prevent Food Borne Illness?

Many turkeys carry bacteria, with the most common being salmonella. If undercooked, the bacteria can cause the following symptoms: 

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Abdominal discomfort

If not appropriately treated, salmonella poisoning can be life-threatening. 

However, if you cook your turkey correctly, then you can prevent an outbreak of the illness. It is recommended the turkey be cooked to at least 165 degrees and checked often with a thermometer. By following directions, you can keep all safe when serving Thanksgiving dinner. 

How Can I Prevent Overeating?

Nutritionists offer several suggestions to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving day. Not only does overeating lead to discomfort, but it can lead you to give up on your diet entirely through the rest of the holiday season. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some common tips to prevent overeating: 

  • Eat a protein-filled breakfast in the morning
  • Choose to eat off of a smaller plate
  • Be mindful of portion sizes
  • Carefully select what foods you want to divulge and balance it out with some healthy choices

What About Salt Intake?

Some Thanksgiving foods are seasoned excessively with salt. For many, it may just lead to excess thirst, but it can place stress on the body for those with some health conditions. Those with congestive heart failure, kidney disease, or chronic edema are particularly at risk. 

Emergency rooms and urgent cares see a spike the day after the holidays for patients with these chronic diseases because symptoms worsen.

If you do not have a chronic condition, try to be mindful of any loved ones who do, offering alternative dishes or limiting the salt you put in your dishes when cooking. 

How to be Safe with Alcohol Consumption

Not only does alcohol contribute to slips and falls on Thanksgiving, but it can increase the chances of other accidents. 

Of course, the most important thing to do is never to drink and drive. Either designate a sober driver or plan to stay the night if you drink more than what is considered safe. If you have a safety plan for alcohol consumption, drink plenty of water and spread out how much you drink over the day. 

Also, consider that alcohol consumption can be related to overeating at Thanksgiving. When your inhibitions are affected, you may eat more than intended or be inclined to eat those leftovers later on during the night. 

Another deterrent to drinking too much alcohol is the dreaded hangover. Though the symptoms usually can be managed at home, some urgent care centers see a spike the day after holidays as patients are dehydrated or have gastrointestinal upset. Some heavy, chronic drinkers can also be at risk for alcoholic seizures. If you have a family member who has difficulty managing their drinking, try to be supportive and encourage responsible drinking. 

Urgentcare MDs Is Here if You Need Medical Attention This Thanksgiving

No matter the injury or illness, you can seek medical attention at Urgent Care MDs. We are available to treat minor emergencies, acute illnesses, and injuries. For medical consultations, you can visit:

We also offer primary care in Baytown

PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

Many families want to make sure they are safe against COVID-19 before they get together. We offer COVID testing, so you can ensure no one is exposed to the virus this Thanksgiving.

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Get in touch with us! By offering services by appointment or walk-ins, we are here and happy to help you stay safe and healthy this holiday season. We look forward to helping you and your family.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

diabetic neuropathy

What Are the Early Signs of Diabetes?

According to the latest data, at least 10% of Americans have diabetes. Meanwhile, around 88 million American adults are prediabetic. Although new diabetes cases have seen an overall decrease in the last 20 years, there is a rise in new cases among the youth. Unfortunately, diabetes remains to be one of the most common chronic diseases and leading causes of death and disability in the US.

Type 1 diabetes is typically diagnosed earlier among children aged 4 to 7 years old who have a family history of diabetes or a gene that increases their risk for developing the disease. 

Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes may develop later in life and is common among people who has a family history of diabetes and are overweight or obese.

It’s important to keep an eye for symptoms of diabetes and follow prevention measures especially if you have a family history of the disease. In this post, your trusted team of primary care doctors in Boytown, TX, shares the early signs of diabetes to watch out for and what you should do if you notice symptoms.

12 Early Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes types 1 and 2 generally show the same symptoms. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, it’s necessary to watch out for these symptoms on yourself and your loved ones. Detecting diabetes earlier will help in managing the symptoms and disease itself.

1. Frequent Urination (Polyuria)

Frequent or excessive urination may indicate that there is a lot of sugar in the blood, causing it to “spill” into the urine. This happens when the kidneys have a hard time keeping up with the amount of glucose it needs to process. As such, the kidneys will produce urine more often to dump the excess sugar.

2. Increased Thirst

Being thirsty often and excessively is another early sign of diabetes. It is associated with having high blood sugar levels and the fact that diabetics urinate frequently. Often, drinking won’t seem to satisfy the thirst.

3. Episodes of Extreme Hunger

People with high blood sugar levels tend to experience intense hunger, also known as polyphagia. Typically, the body uses glucose to feed the cells. However, when your body is unable to process sugar normally, your cells will starve. As a result, the body will constantly look for a source of energy, prompting you to eat again and again.

4. Nerve Pain and Muscle Numbness

People with type 2 diabetes may often experience numbness in their hands, feet, fingers, and toes. This sensation signifies nerve damage or more specifically, diabetic neuropathy.

5. Slow Wound Healing

If a person has a wound that doesn’t seem to get better or is healing slower than normal, it’s possible that they have high blood sugar levels. Over time, having excessive sugar in the blood causes blood vessels to narrow. As a result, blood circulation slows down. This restricts the flow of nutrients and oxygen needed for wound healing.

6. Blurry Vision

People with unmanaged diabetes can experience blurring of vision early on. A sudden spike in blood sugar can affect the small blood vessels in the eyes, pushing fluid into the eye lens. Although vision blurriness often resolves quickly or after a while, having high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period of time puts one at risk for diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness.

7. Skin Discoloration and Thickening

People with type 2 diabetes may have discoloration and thickening in the folds of their skin. Scientifically known as acanthosis nigricans, this usually affects the neck, armpits, and groin area. This is caused by the excess insulin in the blood.

8. Recurring Infections

Anyone can get fungal or bacterial infections, but people with type 2 diabetes are more susceptible to getting them more often. For one, because they urinate more frequently, they tend to have urinary tract infections and yeast infections. They are also prone to fungal infections caused by the candida fungus. Diabetes patients can also get styes, boils, carbuncles, and folliculitis more often than non-diabetics.

9. Skin Itchiness

One of the first symptoms that a person has high blood sugar levels is extreme skin itchiness. This is caused by poor blood circulation, skin dryness,and  fungal or yeast infection.

10. Mouth Dryness

Drying of the mouth is also one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. Experts are yet to understand its connection with diabetes, but it is highly likely related to the extreme thirstiness and excessive urination that diabetics experience.

11. Extreme Fatigue

Extreme tiredness is among the primary symptoms of diabetes. Experts suspect that it is caused by the fluctuation of blood glucose levels. As such, the body does not get a consistent supply of energy fuel. 

12. Weight Loss

People who lose weight even if they are not trying to are likely diabetic. However, there are other conditions that also cause unintended weight loss. Regardless, it is best to see a doctor once unintended weight loss is observed.

diabetic neuropathy

What to Do If You Are Experiencing Early Signs of Diabetes?

If you or your loved one is experiencing any of these early signs of diabetes, it’s advised to talk to a doctor right away. To determine whether you have diabetes, a simple blood test to check glucose levels will be done. Although chronic, diabetes is a manageable condition. The earlier you get a diagnosis, the better. It’s important to manage diabetes to reduce the risk of complications, such as kidney failure, heart disease, and eye damage, among others.

For Proper and Timely Diabetes Diagnosis, Consult Our Primary Care Physician

The key to successfully managing diabetes and keeping it from affecting your life is to get a proper and timely diagnosis. UrgentCare MDs has the capacity to help you determine whether you or your loved one has diabetes or are at risk for getting the disease. We have a wide range of medical services for diagnosing, treating, and managing health conditions including diabetes.

We are open for walk-ins, so we encourage you to visit our PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

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Contact us today for any inquiries and to set an appointment. We are here to help you lead a healthier life!

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Halloween Horrors: 5 Common Injuries During Halloween and How to Avoid Them

The Halloween season is just around the corner! This means that it’s that time of the year again for fun costumes, trick or treating, and spooky stories. But no matter how scary these antics are, there are still actual dangers that you or your family might encounter during this month. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Halloween season is the 4th most common time where kids get sent to emergency rooms for holiday-related injuries. It was also reported that children aged 5 (and under) attained the most injuries compared to other age groups.

To prevent this from ever happening, one of our leading doctors for urgent care in Baytown will discuss five of the most common Halloween-related injuries and how to avoid them.

urgent care baytown tx halloween
  1. Hand Injuries from Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving has always been a staple event in any Halloween parties or get-togethers. Additionally, creating different Jack-o-lantern designs had probably become a Halloween tradition for many families.

However, you may need to think twice about it now. Based on the survey made by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), pumpkin carving (44%) is one of the most common reasons for hand injuries in kids during the spooky season. This resulted in hundreds of children visiting the ER due to cuts and lacerations on their hands and fingers.

Fortunately, you can easily make it a safe activity by leaving the carving duties to the adults. But you can still make the kids feel included by letting them scoop the seeds out or decorate the lantern afterward.

  1. Trips and Falls Associated With Costumes and Decorations

A dark neighborhood filled with hundreds of trick-or-treating kids is already a disaster waiting to happen. Add their creative yet trip hazard costumes to that, and you’ll have plenty of fall-related accidents later on. So here are some tips on how to prevent foot and ankle injuries at your next trick or treating event:

  • Avoid oversized and long, trailing costumes that pose trip and fall hazards to your kids.
  • Make sure that their mask or head costume contains large eye and nose holes.
  • Bring a flashlight when you roam the streets. 
  • Avoid using sharp or pointy props that might accidentally injure your or other kids.
  • Let your children wear sensible shoes.

Lastly, if you are participating in this year’s trick or treating event, you need to ensure that your decoration placement won’t become a trip hazard for kids.

For example, don’t fill the lawn, porch, or steps with too much decor to avoid obscuring the walkways. You can also ensure that your yard is illuminated enough so trick or treaters can safely navigate it. 

  1. Vehicle Accidents During Trick or Treating

Another harrowing yet common accident during Halloween is vehicular mishaps. This specifically pertains to kids and adults getting hit by a car or motorcycle during trick or treating.

Although some may be due to drunk driving, parents can still take extra measures to save their kids from car accidents. One example is by adding reflective tape to your child’s costume to increase their visibility during the night. 

In addition, you can also let them wear glow stick headbands and bracelets. Just make sure to let them know not to ingest its contents if broken.

  1. Burns and Fire Accidents

Prevent fire-related injuries and accidents by using battery-operated lights in your jack-o-lanterns. Furthermore, keep flammable decorations (e.g., dried flower, crepe paper) away from any open flames in your home. You should also make it a point to teach your kids some fire precautions, such as staying away from open flames or the classic stop, drop, and roll.

  1. Food or Candy-Related Incidents

Don’t get fooled by the seemingly harmless Halloween candies and treats. These sugar-filled snacks can easily make your or your kids’ All Hallows’ Eve a true nightmare一from food allergies to choking incidents.

According to the CDC, 1 in every 13 children developes food allergic reactions that might be deadly. It might not be your kid, but it can be one of the little toddlers who’ll be trick or treating in your home. 

Plus, there’s also the danger of food poisoning during parties, choking on hard candy, and tummy aches caused by too much sugar. So, here are some tips on what you can do to make it a fun and safe evening for everyone:

  • Know your kid’s food allergies.
  • Check the label. Watch out for common allergens included in some treats, like soy (lecithin), milk (whey), peanuts, and wheat. 
  • Inspect their loot. Before your kid indulges in some treats, make sure to check their candy bag for choking hazards (e.g., hard candies, nuts, and gums)
  • Opt for non-food goodies. Forgo the traditional treats and give non-food items to trick or treaters, such as stickers, mini notebooks, or cute pens.
  • Prepare an emergency plan. You never really know when an emergency will happen. So it’s better to be ready by knowing the contact number of your trusted urgent care.

Find Out More About Our Quality Services at Urgent Care MDs

We value your safety and welfare may it be a typical day or during All Hallows’ Eve. Urgent Care MDs is open every day, from 9 am to 9 pm, and even on weekends (until 7 pm), to provide immediate treatment for your minor emergencies and injuries. Some of the services and tests we do include:

Skip the long lines in the ER and get the immediate care and assistance you require! Give us a call or schedule an appointment with one of our urgent care physicians. 

For medical consultations, you can visit:

You can also visit our primary care in Baytown at a convenient location:

PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

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