urgent care crosby tx

What you can do to Have a Safe Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is a notorious day for divulgence and overeating. But with Thanksgiving also comes the risk of accident, hazards, and illness that can lead to a visit to an urgent care center for treatment. 

So what can you do to help you avoid a trip to urgent care on one of the most festive holidays of the year? Our physicians have some suggestions to keep you safe and healthy this Thanksgiving. 

How Can I Prevent Food Borne Illness?

Many turkeys carry bacteria, with the most common being salmonella. If undercooked, the bacteria can cause the following symptoms: 

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Abdominal discomfort

If not appropriately treated, salmonella poisoning can be life-threatening. 

However, if you cook your turkey correctly, then you can prevent an outbreak of the illness. It is recommended the turkey be cooked to at least 165 degrees and checked often with a thermometer. By following directions, you can keep all safe when serving Thanksgiving dinner. 

How Can I Prevent Overeating?

Nutritionists offer several suggestions to avoid overeating on Thanksgiving day. Not only does overeating lead to discomfort, but it can lead you to give up on your diet entirely through the rest of the holiday season. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some common tips to prevent overeating: 

  • Eat a protein-filled breakfast in the morning
  • Choose to eat off of a smaller plate
  • Be mindful of portion sizes
  • Carefully select what foods you want to divulge and balance it out with some healthy choices

What About Salt Intake?

Some Thanksgiving foods are seasoned excessively with salt. For many, it may just lead to excess thirst, but it can place stress on the body for those with some health conditions. Those with congestive heart failure, kidney disease, or chronic edema are particularly at risk. 

Emergency rooms and urgent cares see a spike the day after the holidays for patients with these chronic diseases because symptoms worsen.

If you do not have a chronic condition, try to be mindful of any loved ones who do, offering alternative dishes or limiting the salt you put in your dishes when cooking. 

How to be Safe with Alcohol Consumption

Not only does alcohol contribute to slips and falls on Thanksgiving, but it can increase the chances of other accidents. 

Of course, the most important thing to do is never to drink and drive. Either designate a sober driver or plan to stay the night if you drink more than what is considered safe. If you have a safety plan for alcohol consumption, drink plenty of water and spread out how much you drink over the day. 

Also, consider that alcohol consumption can be related to overeating at Thanksgiving. When your inhibitions are affected, you may eat more than intended or be inclined to eat those leftovers later on during the night. 

Another deterrent to drinking too much alcohol is the dreaded hangover. Though the symptoms usually can be managed at home, some urgent care centers see a spike the day after holidays as patients are dehydrated or have gastrointestinal upset. Some heavy, chronic drinkers can also be at risk for alcoholic seizures. If you have a family member who has difficulty managing their drinking, try to be supportive and encourage responsible drinking. 

Urgentcare MDs Is Here if You Need Medical Attention This Thanksgiving

No matter the injury or illness, you can seek medical attention at Urgent Care MDs. We are available to treat minor emergencies, acute illnesses, and injuries. For medical consultations, you can visit:

We also offer primary care in Baytown

PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

Many families want to make sure they are safe against COVID-19 before they get together. We offer COVID testing, so you can ensure no one is exposed to the virus this Thanksgiving.

In addition, we provide:

Get in touch with us! By offering services by appointment or walk-ins, we are here and happy to help you stay safe and healthy this holiday season. We look forward to helping you and your family.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

diabetic neuropathy

What Are the Early Signs of Diabetes?

According to the latest data, at least 10% of Americans have diabetes. Meanwhile, around 88 million American adults are prediabetic. Although new diabetes cases have seen an overall decrease in the last 20 years, there is a rise in new cases among the youth. Unfortunately, diabetes remains to be one of the most common chronic diseases and leading causes of death and disability in the US.

Type 1 diabetes is typically diagnosed earlier among children aged 4 to 7 years old who have a family history of diabetes or a gene that increases their risk for developing the disease. 

Meanwhile, type 2 diabetes may develop later in life and is common among people who has a family history of diabetes and are overweight or obese.

It’s important to keep an eye for symptoms of diabetes and follow prevention measures especially if you have a family history of the disease. In this post, your trusted team of primary care doctors in Boytown, TX, shares the early signs of diabetes to watch out for and what you should do if you notice symptoms.

12 Early Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes types 1 and 2 generally show the same symptoms. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, it’s necessary to watch out for these symptoms on yourself and your loved ones. Detecting diabetes earlier will help in managing the symptoms and disease itself.

1. Frequent Urination (Polyuria)

Frequent or excessive urination may indicate that there is a lot of sugar in the blood, causing it to “spill” into the urine. This happens when the kidneys have a hard time keeping up with the amount of glucose it needs to process. As such, the kidneys will produce urine more often to dump the excess sugar.

2. Increased Thirst

Being thirsty often and excessively is another early sign of diabetes. It is associated with having high blood sugar levels and the fact that diabetics urinate frequently. Often, drinking won’t seem to satisfy the thirst.

3. Episodes of Extreme Hunger

People with high blood sugar levels tend to experience intense hunger, also known as polyphagia. Typically, the body uses glucose to feed the cells. However, when your body is unable to process sugar normally, your cells will starve. As a result, the body will constantly look for a source of energy, prompting you to eat again and again.

4. Nerve Pain and Muscle Numbness

People with type 2 diabetes may often experience numbness in their hands, feet, fingers, and toes. This sensation signifies nerve damage or more specifically, diabetic neuropathy.

5. Slow Wound Healing

If a person has a wound that doesn’t seem to get better or is healing slower than normal, it’s possible that they have high blood sugar levels. Over time, having excessive sugar in the blood causes blood vessels to narrow. As a result, blood circulation slows down. This restricts the flow of nutrients and oxygen needed for wound healing.

6. Blurry Vision

People with unmanaged diabetes can experience blurring of vision early on. A sudden spike in blood sugar can affect the small blood vessels in the eyes, pushing fluid into the eye lens. Although vision blurriness often resolves quickly or after a while, having high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period of time puts one at risk for diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness.

7. Skin Discoloration and Thickening

People with type 2 diabetes may have discoloration and thickening in the folds of their skin. Scientifically known as acanthosis nigricans, this usually affects the neck, armpits, and groin area. This is caused by the excess insulin in the blood.

8. Recurring Infections

Anyone can get fungal or bacterial infections, but people with type 2 diabetes are more susceptible to getting them more often. For one, because they urinate more frequently, they tend to have urinary tract infections and yeast infections. They are also prone to fungal infections caused by the candida fungus. Diabetes patients can also get styes, boils, carbuncles, and folliculitis more often than non-diabetics.

9. Skin Itchiness

One of the first symptoms that a person has high blood sugar levels is extreme skin itchiness. This is caused by poor blood circulation, skin dryness,and  fungal or yeast infection.

10. Mouth Dryness

Drying of the mouth is also one of the most common symptoms of diabetes. Experts are yet to understand its connection with diabetes, but it is highly likely related to the extreme thirstiness and excessive urination that diabetics experience.

11. Extreme Fatigue

Extreme tiredness is among the primary symptoms of diabetes. Experts suspect that it is caused by the fluctuation of blood glucose levels. As such, the body does not get a consistent supply of energy fuel. 

12. Weight Loss

People who lose weight even if they are not trying to are likely diabetic. However, there are other conditions that also cause unintended weight loss. Regardless, it is best to see a doctor once unintended weight loss is observed.

diabetic neuropathy

What to Do If You Are Experiencing Early Signs of Diabetes?

If you or your loved one is experiencing any of these early signs of diabetes, it’s advised to talk to a doctor right away. To determine whether you have diabetes, a simple blood test to check glucose levels will be done. Although chronic, diabetes is a manageable condition. The earlier you get a diagnosis, the better. It’s important to manage diabetes to reduce the risk of complications, such as kidney failure, heart disease, and eye damage, among others.

For Proper and Timely Diabetes Diagnosis, Consult Our Primary Care Physician

The key to successfully managing diabetes and keeping it from affecting your life is to get a proper and timely diagnosis. UrgentCare MDs has the capacity to help you determine whether you or your loved one has diabetes or are at risk for getting the disease. We have a wide range of medical services for diagnosing, treating, and managing health conditions including diabetes.

We are open for walk-ins, so we encourage you to visit our PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

We also offer urget care services, visit one of our convienet locations:

Contact us today for any inquiries and to set an appointment. We are here to help you lead a healthier life!

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

Halloween Horrors: 5 Common Injuries During Halloween and How to Avoid Them

The Halloween season is just around the corner! This means that it’s that time of the year again for fun costumes, trick or treating, and spooky stories. But no matter how scary these antics are, there are still actual dangers that you or your family might encounter during this month. 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Halloween season is the 4th most common time where kids get sent to emergency rooms for holiday-related injuries. It was also reported that children aged 5 (and under) attained the most injuries compared to other age groups.

To prevent this from ever happening, one of our leading doctors for urgent care in Baytown will discuss five of the most common Halloween-related injuries and how to avoid them.

urgent care baytown tx halloween
  1. Hand Injuries from Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving has always been a staple event in any Halloween parties or get-togethers. Additionally, creating different Jack-o-lantern designs had probably become a Halloween tradition for many families.

However, you may need to think twice about it now. Based on the survey made by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), pumpkin carving (44%) is one of the most common reasons for hand injuries in kids during the spooky season. This resulted in hundreds of children visiting the ER due to cuts and lacerations on their hands and fingers.

Fortunately, you can easily make it a safe activity by leaving the carving duties to the adults. But you can still make the kids feel included by letting them scoop the seeds out or decorate the lantern afterward.

  1. Trips and Falls Associated With Costumes and Decorations

A dark neighborhood filled with hundreds of trick-or-treating kids is already a disaster waiting to happen. Add their creative yet trip hazard costumes to that, and you’ll have plenty of fall-related accidents later on. So here are some tips on how to prevent foot and ankle injuries at your next trick or treating event:

  • Avoid oversized and long, trailing costumes that pose trip and fall hazards to your kids.
  • Make sure that their mask or head costume contains large eye and nose holes.
  • Bring a flashlight when you roam the streets. 
  • Avoid using sharp or pointy props that might accidentally injure your or other kids.
  • Let your children wear sensible shoes.

Lastly, if you are participating in this year’s trick or treating event, you need to ensure that your decoration placement won’t become a trip hazard for kids.

For example, don’t fill the lawn, porch, or steps with too much decor to avoid obscuring the walkways. You can also ensure that your yard is illuminated enough so trick or treaters can safely navigate it. 

  1. Vehicle Accidents During Trick or Treating

Another harrowing yet common accident during Halloween is vehicular mishaps. This specifically pertains to kids and adults getting hit by a car or motorcycle during trick or treating.

Although some may be due to drunk driving, parents can still take extra measures to save their kids from car accidents. One example is by adding reflective tape to your child’s costume to increase their visibility during the night. 

In addition, you can also let them wear glow stick headbands and bracelets. Just make sure to let them know not to ingest its contents if broken.

  1. Burns and Fire Accidents

Prevent fire-related injuries and accidents by using battery-operated lights in your jack-o-lanterns. Furthermore, keep flammable decorations (e.g., dried flower, crepe paper) away from any open flames in your home. You should also make it a point to teach your kids some fire precautions, such as staying away from open flames or the classic stop, drop, and roll.

  1. Food or Candy-Related Incidents

Don’t get fooled by the seemingly harmless Halloween candies and treats. These sugar-filled snacks can easily make your or your kids’ All Hallows’ Eve a true nightmare一from food allergies to choking incidents.

According to the CDC, 1 in every 13 children developes food allergic reactions that might be deadly. It might not be your kid, but it can be one of the little toddlers who’ll be trick or treating in your home. 

Plus, there’s also the danger of food poisoning during parties, choking on hard candy, and tummy aches caused by too much sugar. So, here are some tips on what you can do to make it a fun and safe evening for everyone:

  • Know your kid’s food allergies.
  • Check the label. Watch out for common allergens included in some treats, like soy (lecithin), milk (whey), peanuts, and wheat. 
  • Inspect their loot. Before your kid indulges in some treats, make sure to check their candy bag for choking hazards (e.g., hard candies, nuts, and gums)
  • Opt for non-food goodies. Forgo the traditional treats and give non-food items to trick or treaters, such as stickers, mini notebooks, or cute pens.
  • Prepare an emergency plan. You never really know when an emergency will happen. So it’s better to be ready by knowing the contact number of your trusted urgent care.

Find Out More About Our Quality Services at Urgent Care MDs

We value your safety and welfare may it be a typical day or during All Hallows’ Eve. Urgent Care MDs is open every day, from 9 am to 9 pm, and even on weekends (until 7 pm), to provide immediate treatment for your minor emergencies and injuries. Some of the services and tests we do include:

Skip the long lines in the ER and get the immediate care and assistance you require! Give us a call or schedule an appointment with one of our urgent care physicians. 

For medical consultations, you can visit:

You can also visit our primary care in Baytown at a convenient location:

PrimeCareMDs in Baytown

2655 West Baker Road

Baytown, Texas 77521

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

COVID testing in Baytown

COVID-19 Vaccines: Everything You Need to Know

As we all know, Covid-19 vaccine programs are already in an advanced stage with millions of people around the world having already been vaccinated. In the United States alone, where the vaccination program started in December 2020, over 170 million people have received at least one dose.

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has authorized and recommended the use of the following vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson / Janssen.

Together with the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO), we encourage everyone to get the first vaccine available to them. All brands are safe, effective, and offer excellent protection against severe complications of COVID-19.

How do COVID vaccines work?

After recovering from a disease, you can get a certain amount of immunity against it. This is called natural immunity. However, experts do not know how long one’s natural immunity against COVID-19 would last. The risk itself far outweighs the benefits of developing natural immunity against it.

Vaccines, in general, help the body develop immunity against a disease. In the case of COVID-19 vaccines, a fully vaccinated person can become immune to the virus without having to get infected. This is called artificial immunity.

There are different types of vaccines and they all offer strong protection against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. However, antibodies against the virus are not created overnight.

After you get the shot, your body spends the coming weeks producing white blood cells. These include T-lymphocytes, which attack the infected cells in the body, and B-lymphocytes, which produce antibodies to attack the virus. So, if you get infected in the future, your body’s white blood cells can now remember how to fight the virus.

Why is getting vaccinated very important?

Following health protocols such as physical distancing, hand washing, and wearing masks are effective but not sustainable. Prolonged isolation has negative psychological effects and schools and businesses can’t stay closed forever or the economy will suffer. In order to stop the COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed millions of lives, everyone should get vaccinated and practice health protocols at the same time.

For everything to go back to normal, for everyone to enjoy the outdoors and each other’s company, for society to return to how it used to be, everyone should boost their immunity against the virus. This can be achieved through vaccination.

What are the benefits of getting a COVID-19 vaccine?

Here are the benefits you can enjoy from getting vaccinated against COVID:

  • Vaccines can keep you from spreading the virus.
  • Vaccines can prevent you from becoming critically ill if ever you get infected.
  • Vaccines do not only protect you but the people around you as well, especially those who are vulnerable and at risk for developing COVID-19 complications.
  • You can do activities without wearing masks and practicing physical distancing once you are fully vaccinated.

What COVID vaccines are available in the US?

The following brands of vaccines are currently authorized, recommended, and available in the US:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Moderna
  • Johnson & Johnson / Janssen
Vaccine brandMinimum age to receive the vaccineNumber of dosesYou are fully vaccinated after
Pfizer-BioNTech12 years old2 doses, 21 days apart2 weeks after the second dose
Moderna18 years old2 doses, 28 days apart2 weeks after the second dose
Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen18 years old1 dose2 weeks after the first dose

Answers to common questions about COVID-19 vaccines

To clear misconceptions about the vaccine, here are the answers to frequently asked questions:

Are COVID vaccines safe?

Yes. All the vaccines underwent the required clinical trials and were proven safe and effective before they were approved and authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the WHO.

Will I get sick with COVID if I get vaccinated?

No. The vaccines will not give you COVID-19 because they do not contain live SARS-CoV-2 virus.

What are some common side effects of COVID vaccines?

You are going to experience some side effects after you receive the vaccine. These are normal reactions of your body to the vaccine as it starts to build protection against COVID. Although these may affect your ability to perform daily activities, they generally last only for a few days.

The common side effects include:

  • Pain, swelling, and redness in the arm that received the shot
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea

You may increase your fluid intake and get some rest to ease your discomfort. You can also consult our doctors at UrgentCareMds to know what over-the-counter medicines can help you manage the side effects.

Can I still get COVID after being fully vaccinated?

Fully vaccinated individuals are not 100% immune to COVID-19, so they can still get infected. No vaccine can offer 100% protection, no matter what disease they are used for. However, you are protected from becoming critical and developing severe complications.

Can a vaccinated person give COVID to someone who’s unvaccinated?

There is a slim chance of this happening, but it may happen to those who belong to the vulnerable population. People with poor immune systems, those with chronic health conditions, and the elderly may not have the best response to the vaccines. Studies are still being conducted to monitor the effects of the vaccine on these patients.

Are COVID-19 vaccines safe for pregnant women?

Yes. The CDC encourages pregnant and breastfeeding women to receive the vaccine, especially because they are at an increased risk of developing severe COVID-19 complications than non-pregnant women.

How do I know if I’m fully vaccinated?

This depends on the vaccine:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech – 2 weeks after the second dose
  • Moderna – 2 weeks after the second dose
  • Janssen – 2 weeks after a single dose

Until you are fully vaccinated, you still need to follow minimum health standards for COVID-19.

Learn more about COVID-19 Testing in Baytown TX

At UrgentCareMDs, we understand the need of the community for safe and accessible medical care. In order to serve our patients better, we now offer PCR covid test in the following locations:

If you have any of the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to a known COVID case, simply walk-in to get tested. No appointment is needed at this time.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with our doctors in Baytown or Crosby  contact us.

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE PROVIDING OF MEDICAL ADVICE, and is not intended to be a substitute for independent professional medical judgment, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your health.

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